Drop a line at my email from the profile. Don't know if you're north of the border or not. Asking this on subject of USL Soccer. If Pinny is on your repertoire, and you are "chasing the dragon" with your own USL selections, then I must share thoughts. USLlive.com is a bargain for watching games for the entire season.Won't disagree w/ either position but I'd like to see a couple of American-friendly books post their odds.
Both teams played to an exciting 3-3 draw during fgroup play.
a joker of a match...I currently don't have access to Pinny.
too bad for you. Left coast must be CAL/WAS ST.
I don't know what's up w/ the Greek...I haven't inquired...but I have enough on my plate, as it is.
Greek is a shite of a book from what I've been told from my local.
"Chasing the dragon" - I'm sorry, I don't quite get you.
Quoting a song by the STRAT CATS: You don't drink, you don't smoke ,what do you do.
Chasing the dragon: drug terminology for user who will not inject drug through his blood stream via needle, will smoke/inhale the drug instead. Hence USL is the anti heavy drug approach of MSL league; a very tough league from a handicapping perspective.
btw, were odds posted on the Vancouver/LA match? :lolBIG:
if i was a coach and my team were facing the opponent it had just drawn 3-3 with, my emphasis would certainly be on coming up with a recipe, that would prevent the other team from scoring three times. I think this game goes under...
i have a small play on a draw, though.